13 Steps You can Take Today to Reduce your EMF Exposure Forever

I am a simple guy. While I value my health greatly, I am a firm believer in the theory that less is more. I try to live my life in total harmony with nature, wherever possible. I often ask myself the question—what would life be like if we still lived in the jungle and foraged for food? How would we treat our bodies? What chemicals would we be exposed to? Afterall, this is the life our bodies were designed for.

Part of my lifestyle includes reducing my exposure to toxins, especially man-made ones. The truth is that technological progress is usually way ahead of our understanding of good health. We are frequently being introduced to toxins that make life convenient but may have long-term effects on our health and wellbeing.

A perfect example of this phenomenon is the once-widespread use of tobacco products. For centuries, cigarettes and cigars were thought to be safe. Even once science had discovered that tobacco tar caused cancer in rodent models, it took another 40 years for the government, scientific community, and public to accept that tobacco tar was causing lung cancer in humans.

Lead is another example of how technological “progress” often outpaces our understanding of good health. For decades, cribs were painted with lead paint. Today, we shudder at the idea. Asbestos, chemical pesticides, MSG, and many other products are all representative of this same phenomenon.

EMF Radiation: the Toxin of Our Modern Era?

But what are the hidden toxins of our modern era? Research is increasingly showing that EMF radiation, like the kind emitted by smartphones and wireless routers, is making us sick. Studies have shown that increased exposure to EMF radiation is correlated with an increased risk of developing brain tumors, heart tumors, various forms of cancer, and a host of other medical issues.

What’s more, the harmful effects of EMF radiation are cumulative. Our risk for developing adverse health effects increases over our lifetime as our exposure to EMF radiation accumulates.

Of course, there is still more research to be done. Science needs to replicate and refine their findings until we have a clear idea of why, exactly, EMF radiation is harmful. Still, I am being cautious and doing everything I can to limit my body’s exposure to EMF radiation. Just like tobacco, lead, and asbestos, I’d rather be safe than sorry.

13 Steps You Can Take to Limit Your Exposure to EMF Radiation

Luckily, many of the steps I’ve taken to reduce my exposure to EMF radiation are very straightforward. In this guide, I am going to introduce you to the 20 steps you can take today in order to limit your exposure to EMF radiation forever. Most of the tips I am going to share with you are 100% free and easily implemented.

#1 Don’t Use Your Laptop on Your Lap

Even though it’s called a laptop, using your laptop on your lap is not a good idea. Laptops have many onboard components which emit RF radiation in order to function. For example, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi antennae emit RF radiation in order to communicate with wireless routers and external devices.

One of the first rules of reducing EMF exposure is to increase the distance between you and the radiation source. Due to the physics of electromagnetic fields, the relative strength of the field diminishes the farther you are from the source.

Using a laptop directly on your lap is dangerous not only because laptops emit radiation, but also because you are moving that radiation extremely close to your body and vital organs. This ensures you are being exposed to the highest level of radiation from your laptop.

Instead of using your laptop on your lap, consider sitting at a desk or table while using it. Sitting at a desk or table will help you create distance between your laptop and your body, effectively reducing your exposure to the EMF radiation it emits.

#2 Stop Sleeping with Your Phone

It’s time for your phone to sleep on the couch, because sleeping with your phone every night can really impact your health. Seriously, our phones have powerful components which emit EMF radiation in order to communicate with cell towers, wireless routers, and Bluetooth peripherals. These components emit the most radiation when you are making a call or using data, but even an idle phone can emit a serious amount of radiation.

I’ve noticed that it’s becoming increasingly common for people to fall asleep with their phone on their lap, belly, or chest. Whereas previous generations fell asleep to the glow of the television, it seems that the current trend is to doze off while scrolling through Instagram or binging YouTube.

Sleeping near your phone is dangerous because it dramatically increases your exposure to EMF radiation. Instead of sleeping with your phone in or near your bed, try to place it at a distance of at least 6 feet from where you sleep. Not only will you be sparing yourself from the EMFs, but you’ll get a better night’s sleep as well.

#3 Use Speakerphone

Our phones emit powerful bursts of EMF radiation in order to locate and connect to cell towers. Whenever we accept or place a phone call with our smartphone, our phones become portable EMF-generators, exposing us to significant amounts of radiation.

What’s more, talking with a phone on the side of your head places this source of radiation in direct contact with one of the most important and susceptible organs in the body—your brain. Studies have shown that those who frequently make cell phone calls face an increased risk of developing a brain tumor later in life.

To reduce your exposure to this common form of radiation, try taking your calls on speakerphone. By increasing the distance between your body (especially your brain) and your phone, you’ll cut down on a lot of unnecessary radiation exposure and protect yourself from future health consequences.

#4 Airplane Mode is Your Friend

The best way to keep your cell phone from emitting harmful radiation is to turn it off completely. Of course, if you rely on your phone as an alarm clock or calendar then you may not be able to turn your phone off completely.

If this is the case, you can take advantage of a popular feature on most phones—airplane mode—in order to reduce your exposure to the most powerful forms of radiation emitted by your phone. When you place your phone in airplane mode, your phone will stop using the Bluetooth antennae, the Wi-Fi antennae, and any onboard data and cellular antennae. With the antennae powered off, your phone will emit significantly less radiation.

If possible, try to set your phone to airplane mode while you sleep. This will help you avoid radiation coming from your phone during a time when you are unlikely to use it.

Note: Placing your phone in airplane mode will prevent you from making or receiving phone calls and text messages.

#5 Set a Timer for Your Wi-Fi

One of my favorite ways to reduce exposure to EMF radiation is by implementing a Wi-Fi schedule on my wireless router. Wireless routers emit constant EMF radiation in order to provide internet access to our wireless devices. This signal is constant and pervasive, making it a particularly pesky form of EMF exposure.

Luckily, some wireless routers offer users the ability to turn the Wi-Fi on and off automatically according to a schedule you set. You’ll want to be careful, though. Some Wireless routers have a feature called “Wi-Fi Scheduling,” which isn’t quite what I’m talking about. Wi-Fi scheduling works by restricting access to Wi-Fi during certain hours, but it doesn’t actually turn off the wireless signal.

For the purposes of reducing EMF radiation in your home, you’ll want a wireless router that actually turns off the wireless signal, rather than merely restricting access to it. My favorite router with this capability is the Nighthawk Router by Netgear, which you can see here on Amazon. I found it online and it had really good reviews. Not only does it allow me to toggle the wireless signal on and off according to a schedule, but it is also blazing fast.

#6 Foil Hack Your Laptop Case

As we discussed in another tip, laptops really shouldn’t be used on your lap. But, if you have to use your laptop on your lap or near your body, I’ve come up with a hack that could potentially spare you from unnecessary exposure to EMF radiation.

To implement this hack, you’ll just need a large piece of aluminum foil and a basic laptop case/sleeve. All you need to do is cut the piece of aluminum foil so that it fits perfectly inside of your laptop sleeve. You don’t want it too small; you want the exact size of your laptop sleeve. Once you’ve prepared your sheet of aluminum foil, just slip it inside of your laptop sleeve.

The next time you go to use your laptop, place your laptop sleeve (with the aluminum foil insert) between the bottom of your laptop and your body. The added layer of aluminum foil will reflect any of the EMF radiation away from your lap and away from your body.

#7 Move your Wireless Router

Setting your wireless router on a timer is a great way to cut down on EMF radiation when you aren’t using Wi-Fi. But what about the times when you need Wi-Fi? If the location of your wireless router isn’t restricted by the wiring of your home, then consider moving it far away from your home’s living spaces, especially bedrooms.

Since the relative strength of EMF radiation decreases dramatically as you increase your distance from the source, moving your wireless router far from living areas will reduce your exposure to its radiation. You will want to move your wireless router far away from bedrooms. If possible, try to relocate your wireless router to a garage or utility closet.

If you’d like to learn more about the dangers of sleeping near a wireless router, consider reading this article I wrote on the topic.

#8 Ditch your Smart Meter

Smart meters are becoming more and more common in states throughout the US. What is a smart meter? Put simply, a smart meter is a type of utility meter that transmits your utility usage data to utility companies wirelessly. By transmitting your usage data wirelessly, smart meters help utility companies save money. Since they don’t have to pay metermen to read your meter, they can cut costs dramatically by transitioning to smart meters.

While smart meters are great for the utility companies, they aren’t so great for your health. Smart meters are known to emit strong bursts of EMF radiation at frequent intervals throughout the day. These bursts of EMF radiation are what send your usage data back to utility companies.

Some utility companies will allow homeowner to opt-out of using a smart meter. If you are a customer of one of these utility companies, they may allow you to switch to an old-fashioned, analog meter for a small fee. By getting rid of your smart meter, you’ll no longer be subjected to the frequent bursts of EMF radiation they produce.

For more detailed instructions on ditching your smart meter, contact your local utility company. They can provide you with information on how you can get rid of your smart meter and what it will cost.

If replacing your smart meter is not an option, then consider getting a smart meter guard, like this one on Amazon, that goes over your smart meter. They are easy to install and can help to shield you from EMF radiation that your smart meter emits.

#9 Get an EMF-shielding Blanket

Even if you’ve implemented all the tips in this guide, you may not be able to eliminate all ambient radiation from your living environment. This may be especially true if you live in an apartment building, where you have little control over your neighbors’ actions and devices.

EMF-shielding blankets are awesome because they act like a layer of armor for your body against ambient EMF radiation. Made with silver-mesh and other EMF-shielding materials, these blankets can reduce the amount of radiation that makes it from the atmosphere into your body.

The EMF-shielding blanket that I would recommend is the DefenderShield blanket, which you can get here on Amazon. This blanket is made by a reputable company and does a great job of shielding you from EMF radiation that is flowing through your home. Many pregnant women opt to get a smaller EMF shielding blanket like this one because it fits nicely over their tummies.

These blankets come in varying sizes and fabrics. For a more detailed description of EMF-shielding blankets, and which ones I recommend, check out this guide I wrote on this topic.

#10 Paint with EMF-shielding Paint

EMF-shielding paint is an excellent product that allows you to make a hidden EMF barrier in your home. Any wall you paint with this product will not allow radiation to pass through it.

EMF-shielding paint acts like a primer. You start by painting a wall with one or two coats of this paint, and then you can paint over it with any paint you choose.

While you may be tempted to paint your entire house with this paint, you want to be strategic with how you implement it. Whatever wall you paint with EMF-shielding paint will reflect radiation. That means that it is effective at keeping out radiation from the outside and keeping in radiation from the inside.

For example, your wireless router emits strong EMF radiation in order to function. If you apply EMF-shielding paint on all the walls of your home, the EMF radiation from your wireless router will bounce around and amplify inside of your home, instead of escaping into the environment. This could result in increased EMF exposure.

The best way, in my opinion, to use EMF-shielding paint in the home is to paint individual walls behind EMF-generating appliances. For example, you could use this paint on the wall behind your smart meter to keep out the bursts of radiation it generates.

You can get EMF-shielding paint here on Amazon. It can be a bit pricey, but it is definitely worth it.

#11 Stop Using Your Pockets

This should go without saying, but it isn’t safe to keep your phone in your pocket. By keeping your phone in your pocket, you are subjecting your reproductive organs to unnecessary amounts of radiation from your phone.

Instead, always keep your phone as far away from your body as possible. I like to keep my phone in the back pocket of my backpack. While it isn’t perfect, this adds a few inches of space between my smartphone and my body.

When you aren’t making a call or sending text messages, leave your smartphone in your bag or on your desk. There really isn’t a need to have your smartphone hanging out in your pocket all the time.

#12 Switch to a Wired Mouse and Keyboard

Another source of unnecessary radiation is wireless mice and keyboards. While these devices may look slick, they use RF radiation to communicate with your computer, meaning you are being exposed to EMF radiation every time you use them. This kind of radiation is especially concerning because it is emitted so close to your hands.

Instead of wireless computer accessories, switch to the more old-fashioned wired keyboard and mouse. Not only do these devices emit far less radiation, but they also don’t need to be charged—a major plus.

#13 Wait Before Putting Your Phone to Your Head

Now this advice may not seem as intuitive as the others, but you can actually reduce your radiation exposure by waiting a few seconds before placing a phone to your head when making a call. How does this work? When you first make a call, your phone emits a strong burst of radiation to connect to the nearest cell tower. This burst of EMF radiation is more powerful than the radiation of an ongoing phone call.

By waiting a few seconds before placing a phone to your head when making a call, you can avoid this initial burst of radiation and cut down on your exposure.

Recommended Products and Final Words

If you are concerned about your exposure to EMF radiation, then you have to check out these products below:

Let’s review some of the topics we’ve covered in this guide. EMF radiation is a form of low-frequency radiation that is emitted by modern communication devices. This radiation is increasingly abundant in our atmosphere, and its health consequences aren’t perfectly understood.

Initial studies on the health effects of EMF radiation have linked exposure to EMFs to various conditions like cancer, heart tumors, and depression. Like other environmental toxins, it may be wise to limit our exposure to EMFs in order to keep our bodies healthy and functioning.

I hope that you’ve found my tips and tricks in this guide helpful. If this is your first time here, then please check out some of my informational articles on EMF radiation and its effects on the body.

I wish you positive energy, the determination to confront challenges, and peace.

Cheers, friend.

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