Anti Radiation Blankets – What You Should Know

I’m excited to share my experience with anti-radiation blankets with you. If you’ve read through my site, then you know how important it is to shield yourself from harmful EMF radiation, like the kind emitted by WiFi and smartphones.

The truth is that EMF radiation has become a part of our lives, our homes, and our environment. Turning off every device, unplugging our routers, and shutting off our phones isn’t always practical, and it makes reducing EMF exposure a challenging task.

So, when I first learned about anti-radiation blankets, I knew I had to have one. What’s amazing about these blankets, which shield EMFs, is that they help protect your body from EMF radiation in a novel manner.

Instead of trying to control your environment and tame your devices, anti-radiation blankets take a different approach. They act like a layer of armor that dampens and blocks EMFs from reaching your body altogether.

This means anti-radiation blankets are especially useful while you’re traveling or if you have limited control over your environment. For example, someone living in an apartment would really benefit from owning one of these blankets.

While you can’t really make your neighbor shut off their wireless router at night, you can easily wrap yourself in an EMF-shielding blanket. There are many cases where an EMF-shielding blanket might be your only defense against EMF radiation.

Before I get into what I’ve learned through buying my own anti-radiation blanket, let me tell you some more about what they are and why they’re so beneficial.

What is an Anti-radiation (EMF-shielding) Blanket?

Anti-radiation blankets are specially-designed blankets which shield your body from RF and EMF radiation—the kind of radiation emitted by smartphones, Bluetooth devices, and WiFi routers. It is important to note that these blankets are not capable of shielding you from ionizing radiation, like the radiation from X-rays. For that, you would need professional medical equipment.

The blankets are typically lined with a material—such as silver mesh—which blocks or attenuates the EMF waves as they pass through. The result of this attenuation is that very little EMF radiation can pass through the mesh and reach your body.

Due to the blankets’ unique materials, they block radiation while remaining breathable and comfortable to use. The blankets are especially useful for pregnant mothers and babies, as developing children are more susceptible to the harmful effects of EMF radiation.

So, now that you understand a little about these blankets and how they work, let me explain why they are so beneficial.

Benefits of EMF-shielding Blankets

If you haven’t heard by now, scientists are growing more and more concerned over the effects that EMF and RF radiation are having on our bodies. Technologies like smartphones and WiFi are now ubiquitous and many are starting to question if these devices are making us sick.

Even the most skeptical government agencies, like the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (run by the US government), are starting to admit that EMF and RF radiation may not be safe.

At the end of 2018, the NIEH concluded a biological study that tested the safety of 2g and 3g cellular radiation—the kind of radiation used in smartphones. The study used rats as test subjects in order to determine the potential effects of radiation on living organisms.

The results of the study were shocking. Male rats who were exposed to high levels of radiation had developed cancerous heart tumors. A number of the test subjects also developed cancerous tumors in the brain and adrenal gland.

The study’s findings confirmed what had long been suspected in the scientific community—radiation, even at relatively low levels, can make us sick. With the proliferation of even stronger forms of RF radiation, such as 5g cell towers, the onslaught of radiation doesn’t seem to be slowing down.

Several studies have linked the following conditions to long-term EMF and RF radiation exposure:

  • Weight fluctuations
  • Hormonal disruptions
  • Premature aging
  • Joint Pain
  • Headaches
  • Arrhythmia
  • Cancers, especially childhood cancers like Leukemia

Given the myriad of health conditions attributable to long-term exposure to EMF radiation, reducing our exposure is increasingly important.

EMF Radiation and Sleep

What’s more, it turns out that exposure to EMF radiation may be especially harmful for our sleep. A building number of studies have shown a relationship between radiation exposure and the suppression of melatonin secretion in the brain.

This is alarming because melatonin is responsible for regulating our sleeping patterns. Typically, our bodies respond to sunlight by suppressing melatonin in the brain. At night, when there is less ambient light, the pineal gland kicks up melatonin production, leading to a deep and restful sleep.

EMF radiation disrupts this process by tricking the brain into suppressing melatonin production. The brain has a hard time differentiating between light waves and EMFs and so it continues to suppress melatonin even when it is time to go to bed.

EMF shielding blankets promote better and deeper sleep by blocking radiation from reaching our bodies.

Choosing an EMF-shielding Blanket

Now that I’ve established the risks of EMF radiation exposure, I want to share what I’ve learned about EMF-shielding blankets. They are a great way to help cut down on your exposure to EMF radiation.

For starters, let’s talk about the different features you’ll want to look for when selecting an EMF-shielding blanket.

Anti-radiation Blanket Sizes

Your first consideration when choosing a blanket should be finding the right size for your bed and body type. This was especially important for me because I am super tall. I needed a blanket that was at least seven feet tall so that I could use it without my toes hanging out of the end—because the only thing worse than radiation exposure is cold toes!

When you go to look for your anti-radiation blanket, you’ll notice that not all brands make their blankets in every size. In fact, many anti-radiation blankets come in one size only.

Are Anti-radiation Blankets Machine Washable?

The other consideration for me was whether the blanket was machine washable. Because anti-radiation blankets are made of unique EMF-shielding materials, not all of them can be thrown in the washer.

In fact, many of the top brands recommend that you wash the blankets by hand because it’s less likely that you’ll disturb or tear the blanket’s internal lining.

I don’t know about you, but washing a large blanket by hand didn’t seem like something I wanted to deal with. You’ll probably feel this way if you’re getting a blanket for children because they are more likely to spill or have an accident.

Now that you understand the different sizes and types of anti-radiation blankets available, let’s talk about the two populations that may benefit most from this product—expectant mothers and children.

Do you Need an EMF-shielding Mat or Mattress Pad?

While EMF-shielding blankets are a fantastic way to shield yourself from EMF radiation while you sleep, they may not offer 100% coverage.

Since blankets only cover the top of your body, radiation is still able to pass through your mattress and reach the underside of your body.

In order to compensate for this fact, I always recommend that you place EMF protective fabric under your bed as well. This fabric lays on top of your mattress, protecting the underside of your body from EMF radiation while you sleep.

By combining an EMF-shielding blanket with a EMF-shielding fabric underneath your mattress you’ll have the better coverage than by using a blanket alone.

I recommend placing EMF shielding fabric like this on Amazon underneath your mattress to help reduce the amount of radiation you are being exposed to.

How to Tell if Your Anti-radiation Blanket is Working

To test your new EMF-shielding blanket, I recommend the following test, which I’ve dubbed “the cell phone test.”

The cell phone test is performed as follows:

  • Step 1. Using your cell phone, place a call to a friend’s phone.
  • Step 2. Once you’ve dialed your friend’s number, wrap your cell phone in the EMF-shielding blanket.
  • Step 3. If the call goes through, then your blanket has failed the cell phone test.

If your anti-radiation blanket is effective at attenuating EMFs, then you shouldn’t be able to place a call while the phone is wrapped in the blanket. An effective EMF-shielding blanket will attenuate the phone’s RF signal, making it impossible for the phone to connect to cell towers.

To get more specific with your testing, you can also use an EMF meter like this one on Amazon. This Trifield EMF meter is one of the best out there and is what I use to test EMF levels in my home.

EMF meters provide an exact reading of the strength of the EMF radiation in any location. By using an EMF meter under your EMF-shielding blanket, you can tell just how much radiation the blanket is able to attenuate.

Anti-radiation Blankets for Pregnant Mothers

If you’re pregnant, then you’ll want to be especially careful about limiting your body’s exposure to RF and EMF radiation. That’s because several studies have now shown a correlation between children who have been exposed to radiation in the womb and a myriad of health and learning conditions.

Some of the health conditions associated with EMF exposure in children include:

  • ADHD
  • Leukemia
  • Sleep Disturbances
  • Delayed Development
  • Adult Cancers Later in Life
  • Miscarriage

The final risk, miscarriage, is especially interesting and misunderstood by science. It has been shown in a handful of studies that women who are exposed to higher levels of non-ionizing radiation, like the kind from smartphones and WiFi, are more likely to miscarry.

The authors of this study have recommended that women do all they can to limit their exposure to EMF radiation, especially during the first weeks of pregnancy.

It makes sense to err on the side of caution until science can provide better recommendations on keeping our babies and children safe from radiation. If you want to learn more about the topic of EMF radiation and pregnancy, read my article about WiFi and pregnancy.

What I love about anti-radiation blankets is that they offer pregnant women an easy-to-use layer of protection that shields their developing child from external radiation.

These blankets are also helpful because we frequently use technology by bringing it into contact with our bodies. For example, I frequently use my laptop while lying in bed by placing it on my stomach.

Pregnant women can use an anti-radiation blanket to potentially shield their bellies from the radiation introduced by smartphones and laptops meeting their stomachs.

I recommend this maternity blanket by Defender Shield. It’s great for when you are using electronics near your baby bump. Best of all, it is made of organic bamboo and can be used for your infant once they are born.

Anti-radiation Blankets for Infants and Children

Compared to grown adults, a baby’s skull is thin and soft. While this allows for a baby’s developing brain to grow without restriction, it also means that babies’ brains are especially vulnerable to radiation from electronic devices.

Babies are sensitive to EMF radiation in other ways, too. Babies’ soft bones allow for radiation to pass through the bone and interact with the bone marrow. At the cellular level, babies’ developing cells are less capable of handling the oxidative stress caused by radiation.

These biological realities mean that a baby is particularly at risk for non-ionizing radiation overexposure from electronic devices. Luckily, EMF-shielding blankets can potentially shield and dampen the barrage of radiation present in the environment.

By simply choosing to use one of these blankets for your infant or growing child, you may be able to greatly reduce their exposure and protect their health from the effects of too much EMF radiation.

Defender Shield makes an excellent baby blanket at an affordable price point. The blanket offers good attenuation of EMFs and is made from organic bamboo. I highly recommend it, check it out here.

Recommended Products and Final Words

If you are concerned about your exposure to EMF radiation, then you have to check out these products below:

In conclusion, EMF-shielding blankets are a great way to protect your body from EMF radiation. By providing a layer of EMF-shielding material between you and your environment, they can potentially reduce your exposure to radiation while you sleep.

I hope you’ve found this guide helpful. As always, I wish you the best in health, spirit, and mind.

Cheers, friend.

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