9 Things You didn’t know are Exposing you to EMF Radiation

surprising sources EMF radiation

When we think of things that expose us to EMF radiation we often think of things such as cell phones or electrical towers. Although it is true, these things do expose you to EMF radiation, there are several other objects exposing you to EMF radiation every day; many of these items are things you may not even have realized.

It is important to recognize the objects that are exposing you to EMF radiation unknowingly, especially if you are a person that is sensitive to EMF radiation. For this reason I have compiled a list of 9 things you didn’t realize are exposing you to EMF radiation:

1. Electric Toothbrushes

Yes, electric toothbrushes actually emit EMF radiation. In fact, certain types of electric toothbrushes can emit quite a bit of EMF radiation. When I measured my electric toothbrush for EMF radiation I was shocked to see how much EMF radiation it put off.

When it was turned off, the toothbrush ranged from 2mG-3mG (milligauss), but when I turned it on the measurements were about 30mG at the bottom of the toothbrush and the numbers quickly rose as you moved up the toothbrush to where the power button is.

When measured exactly over the power button the electric toothbrush measured well over 100mG ! That was insane to me. I was especially worried because I hold the electric toothbrush close to my head as I brush my teeth, obviously.

Now I am asking you to choose between good oral hygiene and exposing yourself to EMF radiation? Of course not! But if you are sensitive to EMF radiation, consider the fact that brushing is done regularly (I hope) and such high amounts of EMF radiation could really be affecting your overall health.

There are however a few things you can do to help combat EMF exposure from your electric toothbrush. The first thing you could do would be to purchase a battery powered electric toothbrush. If electric toothbrushes are a must for you then battery powered is the way to go.

Batteries such as Duracel and Energizer do not EMF radiation and are a much safer option than the electric toothbrushes with built in chargeable batteries. Another alternative, you guessed it, is just the good ol’ fashioned toothbrush.

That is about as basic as you can get while still maintaining good oral hygiene.

2. Smart Home devices such as Google Home or Alexa

Smart home devices such as the Google Home or Alexa do emit EMF radiation. The amount of EMF radiation that a smart home device emits is similar to a smartphone.

Another similarity is that both devices use WiFi and bluetooth which as you know exposes you to EMF and RF radiation. The easy solution to combat these problems would be to get rid of these devices; however,  I understand that this solution is easier said than done. 

So if a smart home device is something that you must have these are three things that you can do to help reduce the amount of EMF radiation that you are exposed to from these devices.

The first thing you can do, as is best practice when handling any kind of EMF emitting device, is to distance yourself from the device. S

o this can mean putting your Google Home or Alexa above a cabinet or in the corner of your kitchen where you will you will not be coming into close contact with the device frequently. Another option is to turn off the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth capabilities when these objects are not in use.

When you turn off these capabilities you greatly reduce the amount of EMF and RF radiation that these devices emit. Lastly, you may try placing materials such as shungite or orgonite next to these devices to help negate some of the EMF radiation that is being emitted from them.

Using some or all of these strategies will help to reduce your exposure to EMF radiation from these devices.

3. Dimmer Switches

Dimmer switches will probably be one of the most surprising items on this list. I was surprised myself when I learned that dimmer switches emit EMF radiation. The amount of EMF radiation that these switches emit will vary depending on things such as how well the switches were wired and the type of switches you use.

Considering this variation, the typical dimmer switch will typically emit about 9mG – 15mG of EMF radiation, depending on weather or not the switch is turned on and also how bright the switch is turned on to .

For this reason, try not to place couches, beds and other furniture items that people frequently occupy close to these dimmer switches. Placing these items close to a dimmer switch will cause the people who occupy them to be exposed to EMF radiation.

Although it may not be as fancy, the best option here is to stick to the typical on-off light switch which emits far less EMF radiation.

4. Video Game Consoles

Video game consoles are another common device that emit EMF radiation. When I measured my video game console it put off about 8mG of EMF radiation. Luckily the wireless controller that comes with it, when you use batteries such as Duracel or Energizer batteries to power it, emits less than 1mG of EMF radiation when I measured it.

The good news is that you can easily reduce the amount of EMF radiation that you are exposed to from your video game console simply by distancing yourself from that console. By not sitting or lying right next to the console while you game or watch TV you are lessening the amount of EMF radiation that you are exposed to.

Also, you can turn off and unplug the gaming console at night before you go to bed. These are two simple solutions to reducing your exposure to EMF radiation from your gaming console.

5. Hair Dryers

Hair dryers can emit very large amounts of EMF radiation. In fact, according to the Long Island Power Authority, when they did a study on how much magnetic field radiation different home appliances produced, hair dryers produced between 60 mG and 200 mG (milligauss) when measured at a one inch distance!

When you couple these findings with the fact that hairdryers are used so close to a person’s head these numbers become even more concerning. Fortunately, there are things that you can do to reduce your exposure to EMF radiation from your hair dryer.

The first thing you can do is to use the hair dryer at a greater distance from your head. Although the study found that using a hair dryer within one inch of your head could emit up to 200mG of EMF radiation, they found that when measured at a distance of 1 foot that the hair dryer produced between 0.1 mG and 1.5 mG and when measured at a 3 feet distance the EMF produced from the hair dryer was less than 0.1 mG.

As always, distance is the easiest and most effective way to reduce EMF radiation. Another option is to purchase a low EMF radiation emitting hair dryer. These hair dryers will get the job done and keep you safe from large amounts of EMF radiation. These are my top two choices for hair dryers that emit low amounts of EMF radiation:

Solano Super Solana Professional Hair Dryer

The Solano does not produce the lowest amounts of EMF radiation between the two, but it is a great mix between low EMF radiation and quality hair dryer. If you are looking for the perfect balance between EMF protection and a great hair dryer with awesome features, then this is the choice for you. 

 Shield Life EMFreedom Hair Dryer

If you are purely concerned about purchasing a hairdryer that emits the lowest amount of EMF radiation then this is the hair dryer for you. Of the two hair dryers, the Shield Life EMFreedom Hair Dryer emits the lowest amounts of EMF radiation by far.

This hair dryer has EMF shielding technology that claims to block about 75% of the EMF radiation that the device produces. The product also claims to improve the health of your hair because it blocks EMF radiation that can damage the cells in your hair.

Keeping your hair dryer at a distance, as well as using a hair dryer that emits low amounts of EMF radiation, are two simple ways to reduce EMF exposure from a hair dryer. If you work with hair dryers often, such as a hairstylist, then using an EMF shielding hair dryer is definitely something that you should consider.

6. Air Purifiers

Although air purifiers are a great way to cleanse the air around you, they emit extremely high amounts of EMF radiation. In fact, several air purifiers have been measured to emit over 200mG of EMF radiation. Consistently exposing yourself to these high amounts of EMF radiation can be harmful to your health.

Unfortunately, at the time of writing this article, there are currently no air purifiers that have been designed to shield individuals from EMF radiation. So in order to cleanse the air around you while still keeping EMF levels low around you, try doing these two things: One, using house plants such as snake plants and ficus are a great way to purify the air around you.

These plants are cheap and are a great natural solution to remove pollutants from the air around you. Another natural way to cleanse the air around you is to use a Himalayan salt lamp.

These Himalyan salt lamps, when heated, produce negative ions that not only help to purify the air around them, they also help to neutralize EMF radiation around you. When considering whether or not to use an air purifier you must consider if it is worth the extremely high amount of EMF radiation that you will be exposing yourself to.

If an air purifier is a necessity for you, consider trying some of the alternate air purifying methods that I described above before and see how they make you feel.

7. Light Bulbs

Whether at home or at work in your office, you are more than likely using light bulbs to light up your rooms. Did you know though that certain types of light bulbs can be exposing you to EMF radiation? In fact, newer light bulbs that have been developed to be more energy efficient, are actually some of the worst offenders.

This means that LED lights, halogen lights, and compact fluorescent lights (CFL) are going to expose you to far more EMF radiation than a typical incandescent light would. This is because more energy efficient light bulbs tend to use more dirty electricity than an incandescent light bulb would.

The use of dirty electricity  greatly adds to the amount of EMF radiation that these energy efficient light bulbs emit. So when attempting to reduce your exposure to EMF radiation, try switching to incandescent light bulbs. They may not be the most energy efficient, but they will help to reduce the amount of EMF radiation emitted in the spaces that you occupy.     

8. Smart Meter

So depending on how old you are, you may remember the days when the “meter man” would come to your house once a month and check your utility meter to see what your usage for the month was. This person would come to your home, check your meter, write down your usage and then report it to the different utility companies.

However, as the technology became more advanced, utility companies saw a way to cut costs by getting rid of the “meter man” and having the meters send your meter usage electronically to the utility companies through smart meters.

These smart meters constantly transmit data to the utility companies which in turn produces EMF radiation. Similar to cell phones, these smart meters emit high amounts of EMF radiation when they are in use; however, unlike cell phones where you can turn it off or hang up a call, you can’t turn off your smart meter.

This means your smart meter may be continuously exposing you to EMF radiation throughout the day since it is constantly transmitting data to the utility companies.

This can be a major health concern, especially for those who are sensitive to EMF radiation. In fact, in a 2006 study done in the state of Victoria, Australia, residents who had recently switched over to smart meter readers reported adverse effects such as insomnia, headaches and fatigue.

So what can be done to protect yourself from these smart meters? Here are a few tips: One, see if you can opt out of having a smart. States laws regarding smart meters are constantly changing and so you will want to contact your local utilities company and see if you have the choice of opting out of your smart meter, especially if you never gave consent for one to be installed at your home.

Another thing you can do is purchase a smart meter shield like this one on Amazon. These shields are easily installed over your smart meter and can block up to 98% of the EMF radiation produced. Lastly, as usual, do your best to create distance between yourself and the smart meter. Distance is always the easiest and most effective way to reduce your exposure to EMF radiation.     

9. Cars

Last on our list is your car. An increasing number of cars built today have advanced features such as blue-tooth, satellite radio and high-tech stereo systems. Although these features may lend to an improved driving experience, these special features are also exposing you to EMF radiation.

EMF radiation will be even higher in hybrid and electric vehicles which utilize electric motors to help them operate. In order to combat such high amounts of EMF radiation in your vehicle, consider purchasing a vehicle with few electronics that does not have features such as Wi-Fi, blue-tooth or a giant stereo system.

These cars may not be as flashy, but the less electricity the car uses the lower the amount of EMF radiation that the car will emit. Likewise, cars with alarms and remote control systems will also expose you to more EMF radiation than a car without these features would. When it comes to EMF radiation and cars, simple is always going to be better.

Recommended Products and Last Thoughts

If you are concerned about your exposure to EMF radiation, then you have to check out these products below:

EMF exposure can be harmful to an individual’s health. As you know, EMF exposure can cause adverse health effects such as insomnia, headaches, fatigue and nausea. Limiting your exposure to EMF radiation can be a great way to maintain and improve your overall health and well being.

I hoped that this list was helpful in making you more aware of objects around you that may be exposing you to harmful EMF radiation. Being informed is important and I hope that this information helps you to make decisions that help you limit your exposure to EMF.    


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