15 Things you can do to Reduce EMF Radiation Exposure in your Bedroom while you Sleep

emf in the bedroom

Sleeping is something that is crucial to our health. It is also something that takes up quite a bit of our time.

In fact, the average person will spend about one third of their life sleeping or trying to fall asleep. This means that if you are like most people that most of this time will be spent in your bedroom.

Spending so much time in the bedroom sleeping is great, but it may also be exposing you to large amounts of EMF radiation.

Things such as your cellphone charging next to you or your alarm clock on your night stand may be exposing you to EMF radiation. As you know EMF radiation can be dangerous to your health.

A study performed by the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at The University of Melbourne, found that consistent exposure to EMF radiation over time may dramatically hinder the bodies ability to produce melatonin, which is a hormone made by the pineal gland that tells your body when to sleep and when to wake up.

The study suggests that the reason EMF radiation may disrupt the sleep-wake cycle is that “the pineal gland is likely to sense EMFs as light but, as a consequence, may decrease the melatonin production.”

So, what can be done to help reduce the amount of EMF radiation that you are exposed in a place where you will be spending one third of your life?

Here are 15 things that you can do to reduce the amount of EMF radiation in your bedroom.

1. Turn off your cellphone while you are sleeping.

If turning off your cellphone is not an option, at least distance yourself from your cellphone while you are sleeping.

If you only need your phone to wake you up in the morning then turn it on airplane mode and distance yourself from it. Airplane mode will still allow your alarm to go off, but it will not allow your phone to transmit WiFi or cellular data therefore reducing the amount of EMF radiation that your phone will emit. 

It may be tempting to keep your cell phone close by your side when you are sleeping because you may like to scroll through social media or watch YouTube videos before you sleep, but keeping your cell phone close by you while you sleep is actually exposing you to EMF radiation.

As you may know, one of the best things you can do to reduce your exposure to EMF radiation is to create distance between yourself and devices that emit EMF radiation.

So if you must keep your phone on while you sleep, leave it at least 6 ft away from where you are sleeping. Also, try not to charge your phone while you are sleeping as this will also expose you to EMF radiation.

2. Remove Watches or Sleep Monitors Before you go to Bed

Although these watches may be nifty to help you monitor how your body functions while you are sleeping, they are also exposing you to EMF radiation.

Fitbits, Apple Watches, and other electronic watches/monitors are all exposing you to EMF radiation. If it is not required for you to wear these devices to bed then don’t. Turn them off, place them away from where you sleep, and go to bed.

3. Do not place your alarm clock next to where you are sleeping

Although it may be easy for you to have your alarm clock on your nightstand so you can roll over and turn it off in the morning, having your alarm clock so close to you is actually exposing you to EMF radiation.

Similar to cell phones, if you are going to use an alarm clock, it is best to have it at least 6 ft away from you while you are sleeping. This may seem annoying but it is actually protecting you from EMF radiation.

Another option is to buy a battery powered alarm clock. An alarm clock that runs on batteries (AA, AAA, etc.) does not emit EMF radiation and so you can sleep within close proximity of it without concern of EMF exposure.

It may be annoying to have to change batteries every now and again, but it will be worth it for your health in the long run. 

4. Use an EMF radiation Protection Blanket

EMF radiation protection blankets are  multi-layered and help to block EMF radiation and Radio frequency radiation from things such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and cellular devices.

EMF radiation protection blankets are also great for women who are pregnant as an extra precaution to protect their unborn baby. 

These blankets may be a bit heavy, but they can definitely help to protect you from EMF radiation in your bedroom. The one that I recommend is this EMF protective blanket from Defender Shield (click here to check it out).

5. Turn off WiFi in your home

Turning off the Wi-Fi in your home before you go to bed is a great way to help protect you from EMF radiation while you sleep.

You more than likely do not need the Wi-Fi while you sleep, so why have it on and expose yourself to harmful EMF radiation. Many wireless routers today allow you to set a timer of when the WiFi should be turned off and when it should be turned back on. This can easily help you manage the Wi-Fi in your home, in particular in the bedroom.

The wireless router that I recommend is the NETGEAR Nighthawk, which you can view here on Amazon. Not only is this a quality router, but it allows you to set a schedule for when the router will turn off and on.

For more information on how to set a Wi-Fi schedule on your wireless router, check out this article I wrote.

6. Do not place EMF radiation emitting devices on the opposite wall of where you sleep

Contrary to what you may think, EMF radiation does not bounce off of walls, it actually goes straight through them.

This means that if your bed is on the opposite side of something such as a washing machine,a TV or a desktop computer you are exposing yourself to EMF radiation. For this reason, it is best to position your bed in a place in your room that is not directly behind an EMF radiation emitting device.

As has been mentioned previously, it is best to stay at least 6 ft away from such devices to keep yourself safe.

7. Use an EMF protection bed canopy

EMF protection bed canopies can be one of the best things that you can do to help protect yourself from EMF radiation inside your bedroom.

Even if you turn off all electronics and Wi-Fi inside your bedroom, you may still be exposed to EMF radiation from things outside of your control such as cell phone towers, electrical towers or even your neighbors WiFi.

EMF protection bed canopies help combat this. EMF protection bed canopies come in many shapes and sizes and there are even  bed canopies that you can travel with. Many of these canopies are made from great material easy to breathe through.

Canopies hang over your bed and create a literal shield from harmful EMF radiation. The only downside is that these bed canopies can be a bit pricey, but if you can afford it, they are definitely worth it. If you are interested, check out this EMF protective bed canopy on Amazon.

8. Paint your bedroom using EMF protection paint

I didn’t believe it at first, but there is actually paint that can help block EMF radiation from entering your home or bedroom. The EMF Protection paint is a conductive paint that blocks RF electromagnetic fields and low frequency electrical fields. 

This paint contains material such as graphite and carbon black that help to shield your room and keep you safe. One coat is plenty protection, but a second coat of paint may be added for extra protection. The EMF shielding paint is a primer and only comes in the color black so you will need to paint over it unless you want a blacked out bedroom.

Similar to the EMF protecting bed canopies, the EMF shielding paint is also expensive, but it is well worth the cost if you can afford it.

If you are curious, check out this EMF protective paint here on Amazon.

9. Do not sleep in beds that must be plugged into an electrical outlet

Beds these days are becoming more and more advanced. I have a friend who recently spent 5K on a bed. I will not lie, the bed was very cool; it could recline and bend into different positions, it could heat your back and best of all it had a massage feature. It was an awesome bed, but high tech beds like these are also exposing you to EMF radiation.

Any object that uses a power outlet emits EMF radiation and beds are no different. Although having a fancy bed that can massage your back and heat your feet may be cool, you have to ask yourself if those features are worth the extra exposure to EMF radiation? In my opinion, they are not.

10. Wear EMF protective clothing when you sleep

These days there is a plethora of EMF protective clothing to choose from. You can go online and easily purchase clothing items that will protect you from your head to your toes. A quick search and you will find things such as EMF protective underwear, head scarves, hats, long pants, shirts and even socks!

These clothing items contain EMF shielding materials which help to block EMF from your body. EMF protective clothing is an easy and effective way to reduce the amount of EMF radiation that you are exposed to. I like using EMF protective clothing as an option to reduce exposure to EMF radiation in the bedroom because it is simple and easy. The only thing I have to change are the clothes that I sleep in.

11. Use EMF protective curtains in your windows

As was touched on earlier, not all EMF radiation will come from inside your bedroom or inside your home. Things such as cell phone towers, electrical towers, and even your neighbors Wi-Fi may all be adding unwanted EMF radiation into your bedroom.

In order to combat EMF radiation that you cannot control, you may use things such as EMF protective curtains in your windows to help Shield you from EMF radiation that may be leaking into your home. These EMF protective curtains may look normal on the outside, but inside they are layered  with special material to help protect you from EMF radiation.

Not only do these curtains work to keep EMF radiation out of your bedroom, they also do a great job of keeping sunlight from coming in while you sleep. These curtains work great for me because I have a difficult time sleeping when even the smallest amount of sunlight enters my bedroom so knowing that I am protected from EMF radiation and unwanted sunlight is a win win for me.

12. Turn off and unplug all the electronics in your room before you go to bed

Many people today have a habit of falling asleep with the television on, but this is actually exposing you to EMF radiation while you sleep. These days, with TVs being able to connect to WiFi, you are exposing yourself to even greater amounts of EMF radiation through the wireless connections that are flowing through your bedroom.

Not to mention if your TV is hooked up to an antenna your TV will emit even higher amounts of EMF radiation than if it was a WiFi connection only. TV’s however are not the only culprits.

Things such as electric heaters, video game consoles, computers, satellite or cable boxes and speakers may all be exposing you to EMF radiation if left on. In order to reduce your exposure to EMF radiation from these devices, it is best to turn them off before you go to bed or when they are not in use, and it is even better to unplug them entirely from the electrical outlet.

Sleepfoundation.org recommends turning off electronic devices at least two hours before bed, and at the very least thirty minutes before bed. I have read about people who shut the power off in their bedrooms completely before they go to bed.

I personally do not do this, but this is undoubtedly one of the best things you can do to reduce the amount of EMF radiation flowing through your bedroom.  

13. Move your bed away from electrical outlets

Electrical outlets do not let out major amounts of EMF radiation, especially if nothing is plugged into them, but you may still be affected from the small amount of EMF radiation flowing through the wires that connect to the outlet.

In order to reduce your exposure to such EMF radiation, try to place your bed at least 3 ft. away from the power outlets in your room. Although the amount of EMF radiation emitted from these outlets may be small, as we know, even small amounts of EMF radiation over time can be harmful to an individual.

14. Do not use electric blankets or heating pads

Although these things may be comfortable, they also emit EMF radiation. So that means if you sleep with a heated blanket or heating pad you are exposing yourself to EMF radiation for roughly 8 hours a night.

These two things may help you to relax at night, but the added EMF radiation may actually be disrupting your sleeping patterns. If a warm blanket helps you to sleep at night, try heating your blanket the old fashioned way by placing it in the dryer and taking it out once it warms up.

15. Turn off your lights

Not only can your lightbulbs keep you up because of the blue light they emit, they may also be disrupting your sleeping patterns because of the EMF radiation that they emit as well.

Different types of light bulbs emit different amounts of EMF radiation. Typically, light bulbs that are more energy efficient, such as LED lights, actually emit more EMF radiation than light bulbs that are less energy efficient.

If you want to use a light bulb that emits the least amount of EMF radiation, regardless of its’ energy efficiency, then incandescent light bulbs are the way to go. Although these light bulbs do give off small amounts of EMF radiation, it is mostly in the form of heat which is arguably the least harmful form of EMF radiation.

Turning off the lights before you go to sleep, or using light bulbs that emit low amounts of EMF radiation, is another quick and easy solution to reduce the amount of EMF radiation that you are exposed to in your bedroom.

Recommended Products and Last Thoughts

If you are concerned about your exposure to EMF radiation, then you have to check out these products below:

Since one third of our lives are spent sleeping, most of which will be done in the bedroom, it is crucial to take steps to assure that you are getting the best sleep that you possibly can.

Many of these tips can be implemented easily such as turning off the lights or not charging your cell phone next to where you lay down. As studies have shown, EMF can play a role in disrupting your sleep-wake cycle and so it is important to do all that you can to limit your exposure while you are in your bedroom.

I hope these tips were helpful to you in reducing the amount of EMF radiation in your bedroom. Happy Sleeping! 

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