How to Check EMF Levels in Your Home

check EMF levels at home


EMF radiation is the low-frequency radiation emitted by electronic communications devices such as smartphones and WiFi routers. This radiation is invisible to the naked eye and it can travel through most solid objects, including the walls of our homes.

While smartphones, tablets, and wireless routers are all common sources of EMF radiation, there are other sources as well. For example, large power lines and cell towers are also responsible for emitting significant levels of EMF radiation. Smart meters, which are gaining in popularity with utility companies, are another common source of this invisible energy.

Health Issues and EMF

Increasingly, people are waking up to the potential dangers of being bombarded with high levels of EMF radiation daily. As our reliance on modern technologies grows, so does our level of exposure.

Many scientists have begun to research whether chronic exposure to EMF radiation may cause unwanted health outcomes. A growing body of research now indicates that EMF radiation may play some role in the incidence of cancer, depression, infertility, and many other adverse health conditions.

If you are just starting to learn about EMF radiation, then you are probably wondering how much EMF radiation you’re being exposed to each day. Our homes are where we spend most of our time, so checking the EMF levels in your home is a great start to assessing your exposure level.

Luckily, checking the EMF levels of your home is straightforward, assuming that you have the proper tools. In this guide, I will explain how you can check the EMF levels in your home, and what you can do to lower them.

How to Check EMF Levels in the Home

EMF radiation is invisible. In order to assess the EMF levels in your home, you’ll need to use a high-quality EMF meter.

What is an EMF Meter?

An EMF meter is just that—a meter that tells you the level of EMF radiation at a certain location in your home. These devices are typically battery operated and handheld, so you can walk around and check the EMF levels at different locations throughout your home.

EMF radiation is made up of two components—an electric field, and a magnetic field. Together, these two fields form an EMF, or an electromagnetic field.

When you use an EMF meter, you must set the meter to measure either the strength of the electric field or the magnetic field. Magnetic fields are usually measured in Amperes per meter (A/m), while electric fields are typically measured in Volts per meter (V/m).

The Best EMF Meter

If you decide to purchase your own EMF meter, you’ll want to make sure that you get one that’s high quality. In the world of EMF meters, Trifield is widely recognized as the top manufacturer of high-quality EMF meters.

In particular, the Trifield TF2 which you can check out here on Amazon, is an industry standard when it comes to accurate EMF meters. The Trifield TF2 is designed specifically for measuring EMF signals in the home, so it comes with a variety of settings designed to make this task easy.

How to Measure the EMF in your Home using an EMF Meter

Once you have a high-quality meter, such as the Trifield TF2 mentioned above, measuring EMF levels in your home is very easy. To measure EMF levels, turn your meter to the desired setting and move slowly around your home.

You’ll want to be certain that you check EMF levels in places where you spend a lot of time. For example, be sure to check the EMF levels near your bed because you probably spend the most time there each day.

Using a notepad or a piece of paper, take note of the readings in each of the rooms of your home. If you notice that the reading is particularly high in one of the rooms, see if you can locate the source of the EMF radiation.

As a rule, EMF levels will be stronger nearest the source of the radiation. So, for example, if you were to take a reading near your wireless router, you would probably notice especially high EMF levels. As you move farther from the source, however, the strength of the radiation becomes weaker and you will notice the EMF levels fall.

Through checking the EMF levels of your home with this method, you can become aware of any concerning sources of EMF radiation in your home. For example, you may realize that a wireless router or smart meter is causing high EMF levels near your bedroom.

If this is the case, take proper steps to attenuate the radiation by using proper building materials, or try to locate the radiation-causing device farther from your bedroom.

Common Sources of EMF in the Home

To help you while you measure the levels of radiation in your home, I’ve put together this list of some common sources of EMF radiation in the home:

  • Wireless Routers
  • Smart Meters
  • Smartphones
  • Electrical Panels
  • Smart TV’s and Streaming Devices
  • Gaming Consoles
  • Laptops and Tablets

While checking your home for EMF, you’ll want to pay special attention to these devices, as they are very likely sources of strong EMF in the home.

Do EMF Apps Really Work?

You may have come across some smartphone apps which claim to detect EMF in your surroundings. I wanted to include a note about these apps as I get quite a few questions about them.

Put simply, so-called EMF detecting apps are not effective, and they are extremely inaccurate. Smartphones do not have the sensitive components required to make accurate EMF level readings, and so the apps that purport to do this are not being honest.

The only way to accurately detect EMF levels in your home is with a trusted and accurate EMF meter.

Recommended Products and Conclusion

If you are concerned about your exposure to EMF radiation, then you have to check out these products below:

Checking the EMF levels of your home is essential to understanding your exposure to EMF radiation. To accurately assess the levels of EMF in your home, it’s best to invest in a high-quality EMF meter. Now that you understand the simplest way to check for EMF radiation in your home, you can use these techniques to protect yourself.

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