EMF Shielding Curtains—What Are They and How do They Work?

emf shielding curtains

We are constantly being bombarded by emf radiation from a variety of sources, including our smartphones, home appliances, laptops, and tablets. But it’s important that we don’t forget about the sources outside of our homes and to realize that they can still have an effect on us inside of our homes. 

Outside sources of emf radiation include power lines and cell towers. These are major sources of emf radiation and it’s important to be aware of some of the ways you can protect yourself from any emf radiation that may enter through your windows. One of the best and simplest ways to achieve this is to use emf radiation shielding curtains. 

What Are EMF Shielding Curtains?

EMF radiation shielding curtains are curtains that are able to block out emf radiation. The curtains themselves are normally made with some form of metal or emf shielding material woven throughout the fabric. The metals used are typically copper, aluminum, nickel or silver. 

When any of these metals are woven through the fabric, a sort of emf shielding barrier is created, by which emf radiation is unable to pass through. As we’ve mentioned in previous articles, this process is called attenuation which is defined as the reduction of the force, effect or amplitude of a signal or electrical current. 

In this case, the force of the emf radiation waves is greatly reduced as it meets the emf shielding metal that is woven throughout the fabric. In a good quality product, the fabric will be woven in such a way that even the smallest radiation wavelengths are unable to pass through. 

EMF shielding curtains are able to block up to 100% of the radiation that comes into your home normally through your windows. This makes a great option for those that live in the city or close to many power lines or cell towers.  The curtains will be able to greatly reduce the amount of radiation you would normally be exposed to on a regular basis. 

Should You Use EMF Shielding Curtains?

There are many great benefits to using emf radiation shielding curtains. For starters, you’ll be keeping you and your family safe from the ever-increasing amount of emf radiation in our environment. Cell towers and power lines that are positioned close to your home can actually pose some serious health risks. 

Keep in mind, any negative health impacts you develop may take a while for you to notice. As with emf radiation that is emitted from your phone, you more than likely won’t feel any immediate effects. This is because the damage taken on is cumulative. The longer you’re exposed to the emf radiation, the more damage that is able to accumulate and the worse your health can decline. 

For some people that are more sensitive to emf radiation, the effects may be felt quicker. Due to this, you may not be aware of exactly what’s causing your symptoms. If you’ve recently moved into a location that is in close proximity to a cell tower and began experiencing symptoms although nothing else changed, you may want to consider the possibility of it being emf-related. 

Anyone that lives in the city or around cell towers, in general, should consider making use of emf shielding curtains to help ward off some of the possible health impacts. Let’s take a closer look at some of the risks involved with living in close proximity to cell towers or many power lines, in order to understand the benefits of using emf shielding curtains. 

Cancer Risks Posed by Cell Towers

Cell towers (sometimes referred to as “cell sites”) are the really tall towers you’ll see stationed around your city which control cell phone communication. Cell towers are structures that allow cell phone companies to further extend their coverage into more locations and greater areas. The more cell towers you see in an area, the better the cell phone coverage will be. As of 2016, there were a total of 307,626 cell towers stationed all across the United States. 

There was a study done by doctors living in Germany that monitored 1000 residents of the city of Naila. The residents lived 10 years in an area that was in close proximity to two cell towers. Within the last 5 years of the study, the doctors found that the residents that lived within 400 meters of either one of the towers had cancer rates that were three times higher than those that did not live as close to the cell towers. 

Breast cancer seemed to top the list, with other cancers including pancreas, prostate, lung, bowel, skin, and blood cancer rates also increasing. The study concluded by determining that it is of high importance to begin monitoring the health of residents living in close proximity to areas with high radio frequency emissions from cell towers. It was also noted that because of their findings, it was no longer safe to simply assume that there was no link between radio frequency transmissions and an increase in cancer rates. 

Although not many studies have been done on the relationship between cell towers and increased health risks, the ones that have been done continuously show that the closer people live to cell towers, there is a corresponding increase of reported physical symptoms. The symptoms are identical to the symptoms that military personnel experience when working with radar technology. Some of the symptoms include:

  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Insomnia
  • Loss of appetite
  • Irritability
  • Dizziness
  • Poor concentration skills
  • Memory loss
  • Depression
  • Anxiety

Blood Abnormality Risks 

Researchers have also been examining the blood samples taken from individuals that live at various distances from cell towers. They were able to identify a significant increase in blood cell damage of those that were living within 80 meters of a cell tower. The people that lived further away from the towers (at least 300 meters) did not show significant blood cell damage. 

The researchers also found a significant rise in micronuclei, which are small remnants of material of our DNA found within blood cells. They are typically an indicator of genotoxicity and chromosomal abnormalities. Among their findings were also an increase in free radical formation, cell membrane damage, and reduced production of beneficial antioxidants such as glutathione, catalase, and superoxide dismutase. 

The author of the studies concluded by saying that by living near cell towers combined with the continuous use of mobile phones, the presence of DNA damage was noted and may signify long-term health effects. Over time, unrepaired DNA damage can lead to many different health disorders as well as the formation of cancerous cells within the body. 

Cognitive Decline Risks

In 2018 another study was done on the neurological effects of cell towers near schools on children between the ages of 13-16. It was revealed that there was, in fact, a significant decline in cognitive scores when the radiation from the cell tower was higher, but still within non-thermal levels. There were 124 school children that were all being exposed to emf radiation coming from the cell tower near the school at a frequency of 925 MHz 6 hours per day, 5 days per week. 

The children were also asked to complete various cognitive function tasks in order to assess their cognitive ability. The measurements were recorded during a fixed time each day so the researchers could minimize any physiological variations. Each child was tested with two tasks. The total time it took to complete the tasks was between 15 and 20 minutes. The students were asked to sit in a chair in front of a touch screen monitor and to complete each task using the index finger of their dominant hand. 

The researchers in this study concluded that exposure to emf radiation produced by the nearby cell tower had caused delayed fine and gross motor skills, impaired memory, and poor attention skills in the adolescents in that school in comparison to students that were exposed to a lower amount of emf radiation. 

EMF Radiation From Power Lines

Just like living too close to cell towers can result in adverse health effects, living near or around power lines can cause issues as well. Electromagnetic radiation that is emitted by power lines can have significant health impacts on people living in urban or rural communities. The emf radiation emitted from powerlines can be very strong and can interfere with your body’s natural processes, wreaking havoc on your system.

Many people that are aware of the risks often wonder what’s the safest distance away to be from them. The truth is that at even a distance of 2000m, you can still experience health effects like stunted growth. The closer you get to them beyond that, the health risks and dangers also increase in severity. 

Every day there are more and more studies being done worldwide showing that living too close to high voltage power lines can increase a person’s risk of developing cancer or other serious health problems. The closer you live to the source of the emf radiation, the more bombarded you are with high levels of emf. 

Best EMF Radiation Shielding Curtains and Affordable Options

In today’s modern world, it is nearly impossible to completely avoid emf radiation. Sometimes we don’t have the luxury of choosing a location to live that isn’t near a cell tower or many power lines. In cases like this, it is good to know what options you have for protecting yourself. One of those options is to invest in high-quality emf shielding curtains. 

Currently, the best emf shielding curtains available on the market are by a company named Moondream. The curtains they offer are a 2-in-1 product being that they function as emf radiation blocking curtains, as well as blackout curtains. The curtains are made of a high-quality polyester material with a coating of copper and nickel. The copper and nickel that are woven into the polyester fabric are what give it its radiation blocking abilities. The curtains come in three different colors to choose from as well, making it easy to match your current interior design.

Using curtains like these will help to greatly reduce the amount of harmful emf radiation you’re exposed to, especially if you’re living near a cell tower and want to protect yourself from the powerful frequencies that can be emitted. 

Of course, you could always opt to make your own curtains as well by purchasing emf shielding fabric like this on Amazon. This fabric is made in a similar way to the curtains by Moondream and can be cut and shaped to fit any window in your home. The individual fabric sheets are made from the same polyester material, copper, and nickel blend, so you’ll be getting essentially the same level of protection. 

This can help save you a lot of money because emf shielding curtains can be expensive, particularly if you have multiple windows you’d like to cover. 

Whichever method you choose to use, it is important to make sure you stay protected from the emf radiation emitted by cell towers and power lines. 

Recommended Products and Conclusion

If you are concerned about your exposure to EMF radiation, then you have to check out these products below:

EMF radiation emitted from power lines and cell towers is a major concern. There is enough information available now to clearly see the connection between living in close proximity to cell towers or power lines and the rise in the risk of developing serious health conditions. With this in mind, keeping our homes and our families safe should be our number one priority. 

We often think of the risks that our cell phones, tablets, and other electronic devices in our immediate area pose when it comes to dealing with emf radiation. However, it’s important to remember that those aren’t the only sources that we need to pay attention to. EMF radiation emitted by a nearby cell tower can be just as bad (if not worse) than the cell phone you hold in your hand. 

Even with that being said, there is no reason to have fear of these things. Simply take the steps that are necessary to reduce your exposure to the source of the radiation—whether that’s moving to a safer location with fewer cell towers, putting up an emf shielding curtain, or protecting yourself with emf blocking clothing. There are many things we can do to limit our exposure and maintain the health and wellbeing of ourselves and our families. 

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