Male Fertility and EMF

EMF Radiation and Male Fertility

When I started my journey to clean up my lifestyle, I began by clearing out the toxins I was being exposed to through my diet and environment. Many of these toxins are well-understood and we know how to avoid them. For example, it’s quite easy to switch from supermarket fruits and vegetables to organic produce to avoid harmful pesticides.

But along my journey, I’ve found that some of the most dangerous toxins are the ones that we cannot see. Among these toxins is one that is ubiquitous in the modern world. Low-frequency radiation, like the kind emitted by smartphones, wireless routers, and smart devices, is all around us.

What’s more, science is starting to reveal that this ever-present radiation is influencing our wellbeing. In fact, several studies have now shown that exposure to low-frequency radiation from our devices can contribute to serious issues such as depression, lethargy, and infertility.

As men, protecting our reproductive system from harmful toxins is essential to maintaining good health. Our sexual organs are fundamental to our ability to reproduce and maintain proper levels of testosterone in our bodies. When it comes to radiation from our devices, it’s important that men everywhere understand how this radiation behaves like a toxin and may be impacting our reproductive health.

In this guide, I want to share with you everything you need to know about EMF radiation and how it may be detrimental to male fertility. To help you understand this toxin’s influence on male fertility and other aspects of masculine health, I want to share with you five important findings from leading scientific studies on the subject. Finally, I will go over some of the steps I’ve taken to protect what’s under the hood from radiation, and how you can protect yourself, too.

The Science on Male Fertility and Radiation

Study 1: The Influence of Direct Mobile Phone Radiation on Sperm Quality

The first study I’m going to share with you was published in 2014 in the Central European Journal of Urology. In the study, titled “The Influence of Direct Mobile Phone Radiation on Sperm Quality,” scientists wanted to know if cell phone use was correlated with two adverse reproductive health outcomes: DNA fragmentation and sperm motility.

DNA fragmentation refers to damaged strands of DNA found within sperm cells. Fragmented DNA is an indicator of poor sperm quality because it means that the DNA transported by sperm cells is damaged and possibly dysfunctional. Studies have shown that DNA fragmentation can be a cause of male infertility.

Sperm motility, put simply, refers to how fast a man’s sperm can swim. Higher sperm motility is correlated with higher levels of male fertility because faster sperm have a greater chance of successful impregnation.

To test the impact of cell phone usage on these two parameters, scientists collected semen samples from 32 healthy, middle-aged men. After collecting samples, the scientists split each sample into two groups.

Samples in the first group were exposed to the radiation from a cell phone making intermittent phone calls over a 5-hour period. Samples from the second group were not exposed to radiation but were kept at the same conditions and temperature as samples in the first group.

The results of the study were fascinating. The semen samples that were exposed to cell phone radiation for just 5 hours showed markedly higher rates of DNA fragmentation (100% increase) and decreased sperm motility. In other words, the semen samples that were exposed to radiation from cell phone were more damaged and didn’t swim as far.

This study importantly shows that, as men, we need to be cautious about how we use wireless technologies, such as cell phones, near our machinery.

Study 2: Laptops using Wi-Fi Decrease Sperm Motility and Increase DNA Fragmentation

While researchers in the first study wanted to see what effect cell phone radiation has on sperm quality, researchers in this study wanted to answer a slightly different question: what effect does laptop use have on sperm quality?

­To answer this question, researchers from the Center of Reproductive Medicine selected a group of 29 men between the ages of 26 and 45 to provide semen samples. Once they collected their semen samples, researchers split each sample into two groups, a test group and a control group.

Scientists placed samples from the test group in incubation for 4 hours near a laptop connected to the internet via Wi-Fi and downloading files from a wireless network. Meanwhile, the control group was incubated in identical conditions to the test group, but it was not exposed to the radiation from a laptop.

To scientists’ amazement, the introduction of a laptop using Wi-Fi had a dramatic impact on the quality and integrity of sperm in the semen samples. Specifically, they found that sperm in the exposed semen samples showed significantly lower sperm motility and higher rates of DNA fragmentation.

Taken together with the first study, these studies begin to paint a compelling picture. Both studies were able to show that the introduction of EMF radiation from devices like cell phones and laptops had a real impact on the quality and function of human sperm.

Other studies have suggested that worldwide, male fertility has declined over the past few decades. These results suggest that environmental toxins like the radiation from our wireless devices may be playing a role in diminishing the fertility of males.

Study 3: Cell Phone Usage Affects Semen Quality

In the third study I want to share with you, researchers took a slightly different approach to answering the question at hand: does cell phone use lead to decreased fertility?

Instead of exposing semen samples to cell phone radiation, researchers at the Reproductive Research Center used surveys to answer this question. They organized a group of 361 men undergoing infertility evaluation into four distinct groups as follows:

  • Group A: No cellphone use
  • Group B: <2h cell phone use per day
  • Group C: 2-4h cell phone use per day
  • Group D: >4h cell phone use per day

After organizing their test group into these four behavior categories, researchers took semen samples from all 361 participants and compared the sperm samples based on a few parameters: volume, liquefaction time, pH, viscosity, sperm count, motility, viability, and morphology.

Since this study had a larger sample size than the other studies, researchers were able to show that their findings were statistically significant. They found that as the participants’ cell phone usage increased, the quality of their sperm decreased. Accordingly, the group that reported no cell phone use were the most fertile while those who used cell phones more than 4 hours per day were the least fertile.

These statistically significant findings are important because they show that sperm quality decreases as cell phone usage increases. In other words, you can increase your sperm quality and fertility by using your cell phone less frequently, even if you aren’t able to quit using it altogether.

Putting it Together, Why is this Important?

If you are trying to start a family or you have yet to start one, then you understand why the findings of these studies are important. Frequent use of wireless devices like laptops and cell phones may be negatively impacting your fertility and causing stress in your life. In fact, research has shown that today, nearly 15% of the population struggles with fertility issues and that in at least 50% of those cases, male infertility is a contributing factor.

But what about those of use who already have family’s and aren’t as concerned about our fertility or lack thereof? Well, as it turns out, there may be some benefits to maintaining healthy sperm, even if you aren’t trying to have children. Interestingly, a research paper published by researchers from the Copenhagen Sperm Analysis Laboratory found that poor sperm quality was significantly correlated with shorter life expectancy. They found that the men with the highest sperm counts “enjoyed a mortality rate 43% lower than the men with the lowest counts.”

How to Protect your Reproductive System from Radiation

Now that we’ve established there is good reason to be concerned about your exposure to radiation from wireless technologies, let’s talk about some of the ways you can start protecting yourself immediately.

Over the past 6 years, I have been on a journey to limit my exposure to EMF radiation in all its forms—whether from smartphones, wireless routers, laptops, smart meters, smart watches, or even air pods. What I’ve found, however, is that it is extremely difficult to cut out EMF radiation completely.

It seems that in our modern world, EMF radiation has become a necessary toxin and one that can scarcely be avoided. This is especially true if you, like me, use a computer or laptop for work and need to place frequent phone calls in order to do business.

Luckily, there are some clever solutions available that you may not have thought of. Here are the top three solutions that I recommend to men who are trying to cut back on their exposure to EMF radiation, especially for maintaining high fertility.

Tip #1 – Get Lambs Underwear

As we’ve discussed, EMF radiation is all around us. Even if you make the decision to stop using a laptop or cell phone, you may still be bombarded with EMF radiation from wireless routers in public places or in your workplace, EMF radiation from smart meters, or EMF radiation from Bluetooth devices in your home.

The point is, I highly recommend that you cut back on wireless technologies as much as possible, but realistically you won’t be able to get rid of all EMF radiation in your environment.

Luckily, some clever companies have begun producing products to help guys like you and me protect our machinery from the onslaught of low frequency radiation in our environment. A handful of companies have started to design men’s underwear made with special fabrics that block out EMF radiation. That means that by changing the underwear you sport, you can protect your family jewels from the radiation you encounter daily.

As part of my journey to defeat EMF radiation, I’ve become a pro in the niche industry of radiation-shielding underwear. I’ve tried all kinds of underwear, from aluminum-foil-looking pelican briefs, to baggy, silver-lined boxer shorts, to weird underwear from Amazon that honestly didn’t even fit because the sizes were made for China and not America.

The point is, I’ve seen a lot of radiation-shielding underwear in my day and I am here to tell you that one company takes the prize, hands down—Lambs for Men. Lambs is based out of France, and they have set out on a mission to make radiation-shielding underwear comfortable, stylish, effective, and affordable.

What I like the best about Lambs is that their design doesn’t look like I am wearing underwear designed by NASA for use aboard the international space station. Instead, Lambs underwear is super modern and comes in subtle colors like navy blue and black, as well as red if you’re feeling like that guy. Not only does it look sleek, but it’s also affordable. I got a discount for ordering three pairs and it cost me significantly less than any of the radiation-shielding underwear I have tried from Amazon.

As a bonus, all their underwear is tested by independent laboratories for its effectiveness. This is especially important because the underwear I’ve found on other sites hasn’t always worked. Lambs’ underwear is certified to block 99.99% of radiation across multiple frequencies, including the frequencies used by wireless devices.

My Lambs are super comfy and I own an entire drawer full. It feels good knowing that I am protecting my heavy equipment from radiation without having to make dramatic changes in my lifestyle.

To get your own pair of EMF-shielding underwear from Lambs, check out their website here.

Tip #2 – Change how you Use your Laptop

If you are attached to your current underwear and you don’t feel like investing in super cool radiation-shielding briefs, then don’t despair. There is a lot you can do on your own to cut back on your exposure to EMF-radiation and protect your marbles.

The fascinating thing about radiation is that its strength diminishes exponentially the farther you move from the source. That means that adding just a few inches between your body and a radiation source can dramatically decrease the amount of radiation absorbed by your body.

In practice, this means that you should always use your laptop as far away from your body as possible. As a rule, do not ever use your laptop on your lap. Instead try to use your laptop at a desk where there is considerable distance between it and your body.

When you do use your laptop, try to connect to the internet using a wired ethernet cable. When your laptop’s Wi-Fi antenna is switched on, your laptop sends out bursts of low frequency radiation in order to communicate with nearby wireless networks. By switching to a wired connection, you can reduce the amount of radiation emitted by your laptop as you work and save yourself from unnecessary exposure.

Finally, consider buying or making an EMF-shielding mat for your laptop like this one on Amazon. Use an EMF-shielding mat to create a barrier between your body and your laptop so that its radiation does not reach your body and your organs.

If you’re on a budget, you can make your own EMF radiation-shielding mat using a sheet of aluminum foil. Simply line your laptop case with a sheet of foil and then rest your laptop on top of its case as you use it. Bingo, no more radiation exposure.

Tip #3 Get Smart About your Smartphone

Being mindful of how you use your smartphone is super important because, if your like most people, your smartphone is probably one of the top ways you are being exposed to EMF radiation throughout your day.

There are a few straightforward steps you can take to reduce your exposure to EMF radiation from your smartphone. Here are a few of the ones you should know.

Step 1. Don’t Use Your Pockets

The first and most important thing you can do right now to spare yourself from smartphone radiation is this: stop carrying your smartphone in your pocket!

For the love of future generations yet to be conceived, stop carrying your smartphone around near your dudes. As we discussed in the previous section, proximity is a major factor in radiation exposure. By carrying your smartphone anywhere else but near your best buds, you will cut down on the effects of EMF radiation on your reproductive system.

I like to carry my smartphone in my backpack or briefcase. If you must, you could even invest in a man purse to tote your smartphone around. It may not be your style, but your future posterity will thank you for it.

If you absolutely must carry your phone in your pocket, then get an EMF protection pouch like this on on Amazon. With pouches like this you place your cellphone in the pouch and the pouch helps to mitigate the amount of EMF radiation that you will be exposed to from your phone.

Step 2. Be Careful with Airpods

This step is closely related to step 1, but I thought it deserved its own section because I am seeing this more and more. Do not leave your phone in your pocket while you place a call on a headset or through your air pods.

You see, our smartphones emit the most radiation when we place phone calls. This is because smartphones must make continuous contact with cell towers in order to keep a call going. Remember the study about phone calls and sperm quality? As it turns out, when your phone is placing a call it is very radioactive and capable of causing the most damage to your little sperms.

If you are someone who uses a headset to make calls, then do yourself a favor by placing your phone on a countertop, table, or in a cupholder while you chat.

Step 3. Don’t Sleep with Your Phone

Recently, I was chatting with a group of friends about their phone-charging habits. To my surprise, many of them said that they sleep with their phones charging in their bed—this is a major no no!

Not only does charging your phone in bed expose you to lots of radiation, but it could also affect your quality of sleep which can affect your fertility. Instead of sleeping with your phone, charge it somewhere at least ten feet from where you sleep and cuddle with your wife instead. She will thank you and your reproductive health will thank you.

Step 4. Shut Off Your Devices

Finally, if you must have your phone on you then try and reduce the radiation it produces. The best way to accomplish this is by shutting of radiation-emitting functions when you are not using them.

If you are not using Bluetooth, then be sure to turn it off in your phone’s settings. Likewise, do not leave Wi-Fi switched on unless you need to use it. By powering off Bluetooth and Wi-Fi except when you need them, you can reduce the amount of radiation emitted by your phone’s antennae and spare yourself the unnecessary radiation exposure.

Recommended Products and Conclusion

If you are concerned about your exposure to EMF radiation, then you have to check out these products below:

To wrap up, low frequency (EMF) radiation from our wireless devices negatively impacts male fertility by hindering sperm motility and increasing the frequency of sperm DNA fragmentation. As the number of men around the world suffering from infertility increases, we need to make sure that we are using our smart devices wisely so that we don’t put ourselves at risk.

By taking concrete action today, you can start your journey towards higher fertility and better reproductive health.

Cheers, mate.

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