It’s becoming more and more difficult to avoid exposure to EMF radiation. Everywhere you go, you are likely to encounter the EMF radiation emitted by WiFi, cell towers, smartphones, Bluetooth devices, and smart meters.
This EMF radiation can negatively impact your health. In fact, several studies have now linked exposure to EMF radiation to various adverse health conditions, including:
- Depression
- Fatigue
- Cancer
- Blood-brain barrier dysfunction
- Infertility and miscarriage
Increasingly, people are waking up to this danger and many of us are taking action to protect ourselves. Since we have very little control over the outside environment, many of us start by shielding our homes against radiation. Afterall, our homes are where we spend most of our time eating, sleeping, and relaxing.
If you’re reading this guide, you may be wondering how you can best shield your own home from radiation. While shielding your home completely from EMF radiation is difficult to achieve, there are some easy steps you can take to significantly limit the amount of radiation that reaches the inside of your home.
Many building materials offer some protection from EMF radiation. This guide will help you understand what these building materials are, and which materials offer little protection from radiation.
EMF-shielding and Common Building Materials
First, let’s establish the effectiveness of some common building materials in the attenuation of EMF radiation. For this section, I will draw on data gathered by NIST, the National Institute of Standards and Technology. In 1997, NIST conducted extensive research on the ability of common building materials to attenuate EMFs.
Using the information provided by that study, I’ve described the effectiveness of each material at attenuating EMF radiation. I have also provided a table which describes the percentage of radiation the material attenuates according to the frequency of the radiation.
Solid Concrete
Concrete is an exceedingly common building material. It is used in foundations, as well as walls. For this test, NIST tested eight separate types of concrete. The concrete was not reinforced, meaning it did not contain rebar or metals.
Concrete | 500 MHz | 1 GHz | 2 GHz | 5 GHz | 8 GHz |
4″ Thickness | 88.78% | 94.38% | 97.18% | 99.21% | 99.44% |
8″ Thickness | 99.21% | 99.68% | 99.94% | 100.% | 100% |
12″ Thickness | 99.98% | 99.99% | 99.99% | 100% | 100% |
Does concrete block EMF radiation? The ability of concrete to attenuate EMF radiation depends on the thickness of the concrete. A 4”-thick slab of concrete is somewhat effective at shielding EMF radiation and is capable of blocking over 90% of radiation between 500 MHz and 8GHz. In comparison, a 12”-thick slab of concrete is highly effective at attenuating EMF radiation. A slab at this thickness attenuates over 99% of EMF radiation.
Reinforced Concrete
Reinforced concrete is the most common type of concrete used in home construction in the US. This type of concrete contains a mesh of metal rebar which acts to strengthen the concrete and provide better structure.
Reinforced Concrete (8″ Thickness) | 500 MHz | 1 GHz | 2 GHz | 5 GHz | 8 GHz |
70 mm Rebar Grid | 99.75% | 99.90% | 99.98% | 100% | 100% |
Does reinforced concrete block EMF radiation? Reinforced concrete is only marginally better at blocking EMF radiation than solid, non-reinforced concrete. An 8”-thick slab of reinforced concrete is capable of blocking over 99% of EMF radiation.
Concrete Block (Cinder Block)
Concrete block, also called cinder block, is a common building material for retaining walls and other structures. Although these blocks are commonly reinforced with rebar and filled with concrete, the NIST study only looked at the attenuation capabilities of hollow blocks.
Cinder Block | 500 MHz | 1 GHz | 2 GHz | 5 GHz | 8 GHz |
Single-layer | 84.15% | 93.69% | 92.06% | 96.84% | 98.42% |
Does cinder block block EMF radiation? Hollow cinder blocks are only somewhat effective in blocking EMF radiation. A wall of hollow, non-reinforced, cinder block can attenuate approximately 90% of EMF radiation.
If you reside in the US, then it’s likely that your home is made of lumber. Lumber is a general term that refers to any wood used in the construction of houses. Lumber is used as siding, in framing, and to add structural integrity to a home.
Dry Lumber | 500 MHz | 1 GHz | 2 GHz | 5 GHz | 8 GHz |
1.5″ Thickness | 36.90% | 49.88% | 52.23% | 60.19% | 60.19% |
3″ Thickness | 29.21% | 49.88% | 66.12% | 84.15% | 87.41% |
6″ Thickness | 64.52% | 74.88% | 85.87% | 99.00% | 99.68% |
Does wood block EMF radiation? Wood is not effective at blocking EMF radiation. For example, a 3”-thick piece of wood is capable of blocking just 50% of 1GHz radiation. Thicker wood is slightly more effective, however. A 6”-thick piece of wood is capable of blocking 75% of 1GHz radiation.
If you live in an older home, then it may be built out of brick. This classic building material is typically made from clay, soil, concrete, and other earthen materials. In addition, brick is often used as an accent material to decorate the exterior of a home.
Brick | 500 MHz | 1 GHz | 2 GHz | 5 GHz | 8 GHz |
1-Layer | 0.00% | 55.33% | 71.82% | 96.84% | 97.49% |
2-Layer | 55.33% | 71.82% | 82.22% | 99.94% | 96.02% |
3-Layer | 60.19% | 80.05% | 91.09% | 99.94% | 99.80% |
Does brick block EMF radiation? Brick is not effective at blocking EMF radiation. In fact, a single-layer brick wall can only attenuate 55.3% of EMF radiation at 1GHz. Adding more layers of brick does help, though. For example, a three-layer brick wall can attenuate 80% of EMF radiation at 1GHz.
Glass Panels
Glass panels are common construction materials in skyscrapers, hotels, and restaurants. They are also used in windows. The glass used in the study was plain glass. I want to note, however, that much of the glass used in modern windows is low-e. Low-e windows have a metal film that helps them reflect heat and UV. In theory, this thin film may add to the window’s ability to attenuate EMF radiation.
Glass Panels | 500 MHz | 1 GHz | 2 GHz | 5 GHz | 8 GHz |
1/4″ Thickness | 0.00% | 16.82% | 27.56% | 20.57% | 29.21% |
1/2″ Thickness | 24.14% | 39.74% | 54.29% | 0.00% | 30.82% |
Does glass block EMF radiation? In short, no, glass does not block EMF radiation. While it may block a small fraction of high-frequency radiation, its effect on EMF radiation at lower frequencies is minimal.
Most homes in the US contain a serious amount of drywall. Drywall is used as a wall covering and is attached directly to the framing on the interior of the home. Drywall is popular for use in construction because it is fire resistant, cheap to manufacture, and relatively lightweight. Drywall is made from paper and gypsum, a type of mineral.
Drywall | 500 MHz | 1 GHz | 2 GHz | 5 GHz | 8 GHz |
1/4″ Thickness | 2.28% | 6.67% | 12.90% | 0.00% | 8.80% |
1/2″ Thickness | 2.28% | 6.67% | 12.90% | 0.00% | 8.80% |
Does drywall block EMF radiation? No, drywall does not block EMF radiation. In the 1997 NIST study, drywall had the worst performance of all the materials in terms of its ability to attenuate EMF radiation.
Building Materials for Shielding EMF Radiation
EMF-shielding Window Film
If you are concerned about EMF radiation coming through your windows, then you may want to install EMF-shielding window film on your windows. First, however, you need to determine what kind of glass you have in your windows.
In modern construction, many windows are made with heat-absorbing glass. This glass is coated with an extremely thin layer of precious metals that reflects UV radiation and keeps your home from heating up. If you have this kind of glass in your home, then you cannot use an EMF-shielding window film on top of it. Combining heat-absorbing glass with an EMF-shielding window film will nullify the effectiveness of the film.
If you live in an older home, then it’s possible that your windows are not made from heat-absorbing glass. In this case, you may benefit from applying EMF-shielding window film. EMF-shielding window film, like this on Amazon, can block up to 99.94% of EMF radiation (1GHz) from passing through the windows of your home.
EMF-shielding Paint
As many cities start to roll out 5G cell towers, you may want to take precautions to ensure your house can efficiently shield EMFs. I’ve found that one of the best ways to do this is by applying a high-quality EMF-shielding paint to your walls.
EMF-shielding paint can be easily applied to the interior walls of your home. The paint should be used as a primer, meaning you can paint over it once it has dried with standard latex paint. For optimum coverage, you’ll want to use two layers of EMF-shielding paint primer.
Woremor is one of the most-recognized brands in EMF-shielding paints. Their paint can attenuate 99.94% of radiation when applied as a single layer and 99.995% of radiation when applied in two layers. If you’re considering investing in a high-quality EMF-shielding paint, then click here to learn more about Woremor paint.
Tip: EMF-shielding paint can be expensive. If you cannot afford the cost of painting your entire house, consider painting important areas, like the wall behind your smart meter.
EMF-shielding Fabric
Aside from using EMF-shielding paint and window films, you can further reduce your exposure by using EMF-shielding fabric in different areas of your home. EMF-shielding fabric is made from silver or copper mesh. These materials can attenuate the EMF radiation that passes through them.
Using a high-quality EMF-shielding fabric, you can make curtains and drapes for your home. This type of fabric is also useful in crafting EMF-shielding bed canopies, crib canopies, and mattress pads.
Other Steps to Shield your Home
While building your home from EMF-shielding materials is an excellent way to keep out external radiation, it may not influence the radiation coming from inside your home. In fact, some EMF-shielding materials may amplify the EMF radiation coming from sources within your home.
There are many sources of EMF radiation found within the walls of your home. Here are some of the most common sources:
- Smartphones
- Bluetooth devices
- Wireless routers
- Appliances and smart appliances
- Wireless thermostats
- Laptops
Since these sources emit EMF radiation inside your home, you won’t be able to reduce your exposure through choosing different building materials. The best way to reduce your exposure to radiation from these devices is through changing how you use them. Here are some of my best tips.
Tip 1. Stop using WiFi
Wireless routers provide internet to our devices through radiofrequency radiation. Unlike other devices, which emit radiation intermittently, wireless routers constantly emit a powerful EMF. This EMF radiation is abundant in our homes, schools, and workplaces.
My first tip is to stop using WiFi. While this may seem extreme, the truth is that WiFi is a constant source of radiation in most homes that we could easily do without. Most devices can connect to the internet through a corded ethernet connection. By switching from a wireless internet connection to a strictly corded one, you can eliminate the ambient radiation emitted by your wireless router.
Tip 2. Set a Timer on Your Wireless Router
If you can’t eliminate your wireless router altogether, then you should consider setting a timer for it. Did you know that many wireless routers allow you to toggle the WiFi signal on and off according to a schedule you set? If your wireless router has this functionality, then you can set a schedule that automatically turns your WiFi off at night or while you are away at work. This will help you significantly reduce a serious source of EMF radiation in the home.
If you’re interested in setting a schedule for your wireless router, check out this guide I wrote on the subject.
Tip 3. Reconfigure your Space
One of the best ways to reduce your exposure to EMF radiation is to increase your distance from the source. Due to the physics of electromagnetic fields, the strength of the field diminishes the farther you are from the field’s source.
In the home, this means that you can reduce your exposure to EMF radiation by configuring your home properly. For example, you should never keep radiation-emitting electronics, like Bluetooth devices, laptops, and smartphones, near your bedroom or any place you spend a lot of time. Instead, try to keep electronics in a closet or garage, where they will be farther from you and your family.
You should also avoid using electronics on or near your body. Do not use a laptop on your stomach or lap. When you charge your phone at night, make sure it is at least 3 feet from your bed. If possible, place your phone in airplane mode or turn it off while you are sleeping.
Tip 4. Replace your Smart Meter
In many states, utility companies have transitioned to digital utility meters called smart meters. Smart meters constantly beam data to utility companies so that they can monitor your utility usage.
Unfortunately, smart meters are a significant source of radiation. If you have a smart meter, then try to replace it with an old-fashioned, analog meter. To do this, you’ll need to contact your utility company and request the change. In some states, utility companies can charge a one-time or monthly fee for customers who make the switch to an analog meter.
If replacing your smart meter is not an option, then consider getting a smart meter guard like this one on Amazon. These smart meter guards go over your smart meter and help to greatly reduce the amount of EMF radiation being emitted from your smart meter.
Recommended Products and Final Words
If you are concerned about your exposure to EMF radiation, then you have to check out these products below:
- Best EMF Meter: CLICK HERE
- EMF Protective Blanket for Babies and Adults: CLICK HERE
- EMF Protective Belly Band for Pregnant Women: CLICK HERE
- EMF Protected Cell Phone Pouches: CLICK HERE
- EMF Protected Laptop Case and Sleeve: CLICK HERE
- EMF Protective Clothing: CLICK HERE
In summary, some building materials are better-suited for attenuating EMF radiation than others. By choosing materials specially made to attenuate EMFs, you can reduce your exposure to EMF radiation originating from outside your home. It is also important to limit EMF radiation sources within your home.
I wish you fortune, health, and happiness.
Cheers, friend.