Is it Dangerous to Sleep Near a Wireless Router?

wifi radiation safe

If you have read my post about the harmful effects of EMF radiation, then you know that two major sources of EMF radiation in our modern environment are WiFi routers and smartphones. These two sources are of concern because, as communications devices, they emit a particularly high-energy form of radiation known as RF (radiofrequency) radiation.

Let me explain why the kind of radiation emitted by WiFi routers may be dangerous and why it isn’t a good idea to sleep near one.

Is it Dangerous to Sleep Near a WiFi Router?

You may be surprised to learn that EMF radiation, an umbrella term that includes WiFi radiation, has been correlated with a myriad of health risks. Although scientists aren’t in perfect agreement over the exact mechanism, there is a consensus that EMF radiation from wireless technologies presents a risk to our health.

Some of these health risks include:

  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Mood Swings
  • Heart Arrythmia
  • Asthma
  • Fertility Issues
  • Digestive Issues
  • Memory Problems

If you’re interested to learn more about the research on this subject, then check out my article that outlines the symptoms of EMF exposure, along with full links to the research.

Returning to the question at hand, sleeping near a WiFi router isn’t only risky for your health, it could also lower the quality of your sleep.

Research has proven that EMF radiation affects the pineal gland in your brain. The pineal gland is responsible for secreting melatonin—the chemical that makes you feel tired and regulates your sleeping pattern.

According to studies on the matter, EMF radiation may downregulate the secretion of melatonin in the pineal gland. As a result, affected persons experience lower melatonin levels and poor sleep quality.

In the leading study on the matter, conducted by the University of Melbourne in Australia, it was shown that long-term exposure to EMF radiation may be even more harmful than exposure in short bursts. Sleeping near a wireless router is a form of long-term exposure, since you spend several hours per day sleeping.

Given the risks involved with long-term exposure to the radiation emitted from your wireless router, you may be wondering what you should be doing to protect yourself.

Luckily, there are some straightforward steps you can take to reduce your exposure. In the following sections, I’ll share with you some of the best ways to reduce your exposure to the radiation emitted by Wireless routers, especially while you sleep.

How Close to a Wireless Router Should I Sleep?

When it comes to limiting your exposure to EMF radiation, distance is your friend. Due to the physics of an electromagnetic field, increasing the distance between you and the source of the radiation significantly lowers the impact of the radiation on your body.

Specifically, the relationship between the strength of the radiation you experience and your distance from the source is modeled by an inverse-square relationship. That means that doubling your distance from the wireless router will result in a 400% reduction in radiation exposure. Increasing your distance from the router by a factor of four will result in a 1600% reduction in exposure and so on.

So, a good—though imperfect—solution would be to relocate your router to another room. If you cannot relocate your router, try moving your bed to the other side of the room. Remember, the farther you are from the radiation source, the better.

If neither of those solutions is practical for you, then you may want to invest in a good anti-radiation blanket. These blankets are awesome because they require no effort to use and will help reduce your radiation exposure while you sleep. I wrote this guide on what I looked for when buying my radiation blanket that you may find helpful.

Of course, the solutions I’ve mentioned up to this point won’t block the wireless router’s radiation 100%. Even if you move the router to another room, you’ll still be subjected to the radiation of its powerful signal. Read on to see how you can eliminate the radiation from your wireless router.

Should You Turn Off Your Wireless Router at Night?

In order to really protect yourself from your router’s radiation, you’ll need to turn it off altogether. Although this sounds inconvenient, many people find that turning their router off on a schedule is a relaxing way to end the day as they aren’t tempted to browse the internet or go on social media before falling asleep.

When your router is powered off, it stops emitting the RF radiation it uses to transmit data throughout your home. In other words, turning your router off renders it totally safe and radiation-free.

Now, if you’re as forgetful (or busy) as I am, then you’ll probably remember to turn your router off for a couple days and then totally forget about it.

Luckily, some routers have a built-in feature that turns them on and off according to a schedule you set. If you lack the discipline to turn your router off nightly, consider grabbing a router with a built-in timer like this one on Amazon.

The cool thing about these routers is that they automatically turn off the WiFi at night and then turn it back on in the morning. It can be hard to find a router with this feature, but I really like this one I found on Amazon. It’s fast, it has the built-in timer feature, and it’s relatively inexpensive.

To summarize, you should not sleep near an operating wireless router. The negative consequences of long-term exposure to RF radiation are just starting to be understood and scientists believe wireless technologies could be making us sick.

To limit your exposure, try implementing one of the steps I mentioned. They are:

  • Move your router far away from you. Remember, distance is your friend.
  • Move your bed far away from your router. Distance is still your friend.
  • Turn your router off before you get in bed and don’t turn it on until the morning.
  • Invest in a router with a built-in timer. This is the router I recommend.

Recommended Products and Conclusion

If you are concerned about your exposure to EMF radiation, then you have to check out these products below:

I hope that you found this article useful. For more tips on how to keep yourself and your loved ones safe from EMF radiation, take a look at this article, the hidden and controversial dangers of EMF radiation.

As always, stay healthy and wise my friends!

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